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Columbia Association Board Elections - A Rundown of the Three Contested Races

Writer's picture: Jeremy DommuJeremy Dommu

It's that time of year again! Columbia Association and Village Board Elections are ongoing - ending this Saturday April 20 - and this year, perhaps more than ever, there is scant coverage and limited online discussion about the elections and candidates. But these elections are important - enough so, that it warrants dusting the cobwebs off this blog to share voting and candidate information.

Contested Elections

This year, there are 3 contested elections for the Columbia Association Board of Directors:

  • Harper's Choice (candidates: Ashley Vaughn and Alan Klein)

  • Owen Brown (candidates William H. Campbell and Michael Golibersuch)

  • Wilde Lake (candidates Bill Santos and Kathleen Uy).

All renters and homeowners residing in these 3 villages are able to vote! Early voting is ongoing now and in-person voting occurs on election day - this Saturday April 20. See more information below.

There are another 3 uncontested elections:

  • Hickory Ridge (incumbent Skye Anderson)

  • Oakland Mills (incumbent Karin Emery)

  • Town Center (Collin Sullivan)

Since there is only a single candidate in these villages, these 3 individuals are deemed elected and will serve on the CA board beginning May 1.

Note that there are no elections in the other four villages as their existing representative continues into the second year of a 2-year term. This includes Dorsey's Search (Chris Fuchs), King's Contrivance (Keith O'Neil), Long Reach (Reginald Avery), and River Hill (Eric Greenberg).

There are no contested elections in any village for a seat on a village board. In fact, many villages have fewer candidates than number of seats, and will be seeking individuals to fill these vacancies. Consult your village's website for further information and especially if you are interested in serving on your village's board of director.

This google sheet contains prior-year election results and a history of CA boardmembers.

Harper's Choice

Voting Information

The Harper's Choice election website contains all relevant election information.

Residents can vote using any of the following methods:

  • Electronic Ballot: Use the unique pin from the Harper's Choice village newsletter which was mailed in early April. Alternatively, you can contact the Harper's Choice village manager at with your name and address to obtain your unique pin).

  • Mail-In Ballot

  • In-Person: Vote at Kahler Hall between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, 2024.


Below are the candidate statements.

Ashley Vaughan

My approach to serving mirrors Columbia’s founding values; diverse and integrated community and respecting nature. I share our community’s great love of walking our beautiful winding forest paths, enjoying our parks, and traveling our scenic tree-lined roads. Columbia is full of flourishing green spaces and I will ensure CA takes the steps needed to nurture them. I will prioritize adopting sustainable, climate-conscious solutions when evaluating amenities/programs. I increased community engagement through the Millennial Advisory Committee, helping establish Midnight Mini-Golf. In 2021, I served on the CA Board after our current representative’s ethics violation and removal. I advocated for policies that empowered staff to implement changes quickly. I met with neighbors to learn more about their concerns, like invasive bamboo. I voiced objections over the board removing an effective leader and wasting $500k of our assessments. You can trust in my experience and dedication – vote for me.

Alan Klein

 Jim Rouse created Columbia on principles of diversity, inclusion, and social and economic justice.
CA is best positioned to provide leadership around those principles. First elected in 2014, I have been privileged to represent you on the CA Board. While much was accomplished, much remains to be done.
After a year of unfortunate turmoil, I have recently had the experience of working with a diverse group of stellar colleagues on the CA Board to bring stability and forward-thinking to CA’s governance.
Returning Symphony Woods to CA control – your control – is a top priority of mine and we are making progress.
My advocacy for you has sometimes been met with resistance. Changing the status quo is never easy. Please support me as your CA rep so we can continue to work together to protect our precious open space and recreational facilities and further our vision for a diverse and inclusive Columbia.

Owen Brown

Voting Information

The April edition of the Owen Brown OBserver contains all relevant election information.

Residents can vote using any of the following methods:

  • Online Ballot: Use the unique pin from the Owen Brown OBserver newsletter which was mailed in early April.

  • Vote Early in person - Visit the Owen Brown Community Center during business hours any day this week and ask for a ballot or drop one off. It will be counted on election day.

  • In-Person: Vote at the Owen Brown Community Center between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, 2024.


Below are the candidate statements.


William H. Campbell

As a longtime resident of Owen Brown Village, I remain committed to James Rouse's vision of Columbia as a community where all residents can live and thrive. After 50 successful years Columbia is at a point where future development may adversely impact Rouse's vision. I would use my successful executive experience to ensure that the Columbia Association (CA) makes prudent and appropriate decisions that support Columbia's future success. I have 15 years' experience as a Chief financial Officer in both the public and private sectors. I have 8 years' experience as an Audit Committee member for both NASA, and the National Academy of Public Administration. I believe that I can provide constructive oversight for CA's $75M annual budget and its 1,500 employees.

Michael Golibersuch

Giving back to my community is one of my core values. I was raised in Owen Brown, served in the Army, and moved back to raise my children here. I’ve served on the OBCA Board for six years and want to continue my service on the CA Board. Andy Stack’s shoes will be hard to fill but he asked me to run and I’m ready. Some of my accomplishments on the OBCA board have been organizing tree planting events and starting Owen Brown’s annual plant/tree giveaway, improving OBCA’s budget efficiency to ensure we get the most from the money residents pay and facilitating more productive and neighborly meetings. On the CA Board, I will continue to prioritize open space as one of our treasures, and work to ensure effective use of resources to provide a diverse array of quality amenities to Columbia. You can learn more at

Wilde Lake

Voting Information

The Wilde Lake election website contains all relevant election information.

Residents can vote using any of the following methods:

  • Absentee Ballot were mailed to residents in late March

  • In-Person: Vote at Slayton House between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, 2024.

A recording of the April 9, 2024 Wilde Lake candidate forum in available here.


Below are the candidate statements.

Bill Santos

I want to thank all the Wilde Lake residents who participated in over 50 open, public meetings that I held this year. My work with you and the Village Board has enhanced our community and made CA a better organization. As your representative on the CA Board, I’ve actively participated in passing a landmark Ethics Policy, hiring a new CA President, and crafting a new strategic plan. I also took a leadership role in the budget process, ensuring that your lien dollars were put to good use. In Wilde Lake, CA funds were used to install a new, dynamic tot lot on Open Sky and to replace hundreds of feet of pathway in Bryant Woods. I ask for your vote this year to allow me to continue improving CA policies, programs and services, and investing your dollars in capital improvement projects that continue to meet the needs of our village.

Kat Uy

My name is Kat Uy, and I’m asking for your vote to be Wilde Lake CA Board Representative.
I’m a librarian and long-time resident of Wilde Lake, whose five children graduated from WLHS. My family and I appreciate the amenities and resources provided by CA, but we’re concerned they aren’t affordable to all residents.
I will fight to:
• Make CA open and transparent for residents.
• Make residents the number one priority for CA.
• Reduce the annual charge.
• Protect and conserve open space for the next generation.
• Ensure residents get fair consideration when CA negotiates with private entities.
I promise to actively communicate with residents in an easily accessible and timely way. I value feedback and will never vote to limit Resident Speakout.
Well-funded self-serving special interests continue their efforts to take over the CA. Board at the expense of residents. RESIDENTS ARE MY SPECIAL INTEREST.


Frank Hecker
Frank Hecker
Apr 19, 2024

Sounds like "control of Symphony Woods" is still a live issue in Columbia Association elections, as it has been for over a decade. For those interested in the history of Symphony Woods, including CA's oversight and management of it, I've published a timeline of relevant events from 1962 through April 2017, including pointers to news stories, CA board minutes, and other sources of information:

Other posts in that series provide more in-depth coverage of Symphony Woods-related events, including the CA decision to turn over management of Symphony Woods to the Inner Arbor Trust.

Jeremy Dommu
Jeremy Dommu
Apr 19, 2024
Replying to

Thanks for your in-depth coverage of Symphony Woods and sharing your article here which provide an excellent explanation of the history.


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